Security Management Guide

A "Security Management Guide", which includes all legal regulations and instructions that may be needed in a security organization, is created within the body of Eylem Güvenlik.

İLGİ Security Management Guide provides great advantages in creating a service standard, cost and efficient working environment especially for companies operating in more than one location in different areas and business lines in security planning.

The first basis we refer to when creating the guide is the relevant laws and regulations. In addition, international standards are also taken into consideration.

 In the content of the Security Management Guide;

  • Applications of the Private Security Law No. 5188,
  • Applications of the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331,
  • Emergency Management Plan,
  • Measures to be taken under the Personal Data Protection Law,
  • Reporting, Audits and Need-specific Trainings are included.
  • "Our aim is to always provide quality and sustainable service to our business partners."
  • Providing information security and personal data security aware/trained personnel,
  • A management that is firmly on the ground with its risk assessment and methodology,
  • Monitoring and continuous improvement of the project/personnel with periodic security tests,
  • Effective coordination between Finance, Accounting, Purchasing, Human Resources and Operations departments,
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