About Us

Our Company, which was established in 2015 based in Istanbul; Currently, it carries out projects in Istanbul, Ankara, Tekirdağ and Kocaeli Regions. With the organizational structure created within the company, we have the capacity to carry out Private Security services in 7 geographical regions throughout the country.

Every personnel assigned to the companies we serve; selection, training, supervision as well as; The determination and reporting of risks related to the service area, the determination of processes, the creation of task procedure instructions, the follow-up of legal processes are provided by the honest, hardworking, experienced and expert management staff structure that it brings together within the company.

In addition to this, services are carried out with an understanding that intervenes in every emergency at the facilities in a timely and correct manner, takes all kinds of preventive measures, and offers on-site and timely solutions.

With the awareness that security is a continuous and continuous activity, security personnel are kept dynamic and ready for duty with the interventions made regardless of time and place.

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